粉樂町是什麼?「粉」是源於時下青年轉化「很」的流行語彙;「樂」即是快樂;「町」是場域的意思。「粉樂町」所要傳遞的精神即是快樂的角落,是創意的基 地,也是一個當代藝術展。我們將創意放進社區,讓藝術走入我們熟悉的街道巷弄,出現在咖啡廳、服飾店、餐廳、捷運站、還有公車亭等等,展現無牆美術館的生活美學。
2008 粉樂町 台北東區當代藝術展
指導單位 台北市都市發展局
展覽時間 97年7月19日至8月31日
展覽地點 台北東區捷運忠孝敦化5號出口
(敦化南路一段、忠孝東路四段、忠孝東 路223巷、市民大道四段之街廓內)
參展藝術家 Anthony Luensman、水越設計、王仲、王亮尹、王馨儀、朱芳毅、吳耿禎 、宋恆、李欣芫、周孟曄、周珠旺、周榆茵、林俐貞、林冠名、林慶芳、侯連秦、姚仲涵、洪佩琦、洪易、胡慧琴、徐永旭、康雅筑、曹婷婷、陳宏瑋、陳宛伶、陳浚豪、游文富、黃沛瀅、黃建樺、黃美惠、黃馨鈺、劉時棟、賴珮瑜、鍾順達、權奇秀
都市酵母快樂黃包車 - 水越設計策劃
「都 市酵母快樂黃包車」與計程車隊合作,轉換當今我們所熟悉的交通工具,進而憶起舊日的黃包車。坐上快樂黃包車,你可以聽到昔日70年代的經典老歌;快樂留言 本,歡迎提筆留言給你的友人,或是驚喜的發現別人給你的話語。下車時,還可以隨機拿到司機們貼心準備印有「福、安、康、奮、勤、健」 六種款式之一的快樂收據,每一款收據上皆有一則充滿快樂的小故事,讓人感受滿滿的喜悅。台北縣登記計程車2萬5000輛、台北市有3萬3000輛,你有萬 分之五的機會搭乘到快樂黃包車!
City Yeast is a creative team with professionals from all walks of life, and their motto is that we only have one Earth, the protection of this land is everybody's responsibility. The group often comes up with creative ideas to link with the city, and with the yeast-like interaction, everyone is granted the right to take part with enjoyment. Happy Taxicabs is a project in conjunction with the taxi company, and has transformed a familiar mode of transportation into a nostalgic ride. Upon sitting in a Happy Taxicab, you will hear classic old songs, and the blissful message board inside the cab welcomes anyone to leave a message for your friend or be pleasantly surprised to find a message that was left for you. When getting out of the cab, you will receive a blissful receipt from the driver in six different versions of Luck, Peace, Health, Diligence, Perseverance, and Wellbeing. Each receipt will have on it a touching short story to fill your heart with blissful happiness.
Taipei County has 25,000 registered taxicabs, and Taipei City has 33,000; therefore, you will have 5 out of 10,000 chances to ride on a Happy Taxicab!
Taiwan Taxi uses satellite GPS to dispatch their services, and the company has launched a taxi service called 3G (GPS+GRPS+GIS) to monitor their taxis with a 24- hour satellite surveillance. Their goal is to provide a safety control that is being watched down from up above. The superb service and solid training programs allow them to guarantee their drivers' etiquette and driving safety, and the cab riders are promised with a first-rate taxi service.
行前記錄 (http://love.aguadesign.com.tw/cityyeast2008/happytaxi/index.html)