都市酵母 - 臺北那條通的那座山

台北那條通, 都更處, 台北那條通的那座山, 都市酵母, city yeast, AGUA Design, 水越設計, the extra-mountain


臺北那條通 Taipei Extra-Ordinary 

臺北居住美學推展計畫 - 2011.08.12啟動活動,2011.09.03全面開放市民參觀!
“臺北的迷人之處常常是一些較隱性、常民的,看似平凡的人事物,彼此碰撞出一些看似平凡的不平凡創意”   策展人-邱文傑

本計畫策展從現今臺北居住的典型巷弄環境出發,探究臺北庶民真實生活當中衍生出的特殊智慧及生活風格,述說臺北居住的價值,並以此觀察結果做出嘗試,挖掘 出平日隱微存在於城市之中,卻是台北居住最珍貴、最吸引人之處的生活精華,提出塑造並指認出臺北城市居住美學的未來及可能性。

尼采:「In the honor of chaos. (以混亂為榮)」

臺北迷人之處,通常不像巴黎、倫敦、紐約那種融合建築、活動、景觀、文化、人文中所交流出的城市特色。然而臺北依舊迷人,儘管我們也沒有上海或北京那種古意盎然的胡同。臺北的迷人之處常常是一些較隱性、常民的,看似平凡的人事物,彼此碰撞出一些不確定卻是確實存在的幸福感,書店可以開24hrs、7-11幾千家、夜市文 化興起,街頭巷尾到處可見,住商混合下的衝突與對比,台北迷人在一種看似平凡的不平凡,不平凡到縱言了都市的些許髒與亂(亂可以是種特色,髒卻是不好的現 象),然而平凡、活力、髒、亂、親切、亦或是不確定的幸福感,隨著時間淨化,或有可能升級為為充滿小確幸(註1),展現活力、亂中有序、杜絕髒亂的生活巷 弄,一種烏托邦、超現實的臺北生活想像,我們把它稱作「臺北那條通」。

地點:URS 27 華山大草原 林森北路*市民大道/北平東路 捷運善道寺站

主展場其實是一個佈景舞台,上演的戲碼則是常設展中之展示廊,小幸福咖啡館、小幸福冰店、小幸福生機廚房及腳踏車店,鷹架是臨時的、常民的建材,在本案以 其錯置搭接之手法,省去不少桿件也展現了心目中亂中有序的生活場景,展場大量的鷹架企圖形塑超現實後巷常民生活的想像,鷹架本身之垂直性與懸挑式概念,則 企圖在意象上與神聖的大教堂做聯想,這種既平凡又神聖的語言,或許有機會暗示出台灣現代建築的一種新聖性及可能性。



台北那條通, 都更處, 台北那條通的那座山, 都市酵母, city yeast, AGUA Design, 水越設計, the extra-mountain

臺北那條通的那座山 - Taipei Extra-Ordinary Mountain


執行策劃  / 都市酵母 CITY YEAST
curator  / agua
participants  / 水越設計. 陳冠蓉. 謝維真. 王奕晴. 鄭詔蓉. 謝妮蓉. 嚴翎文. 周純如. 都市酵母研究班. 趙澤曄. 謝雪浩. 楊光宇. 汪德範. 林凱葳. 王盈穎. 許修維. 林冠君. 葉盈. 陳尹之. 許致瑋. 林卓瑩. 黃紹恆 
特別感謝  / 臺北市環保局吳局長. 邱文傑. 傅靜涵. 蘇瑤華. 蘇專委. 游隊長. 陳隊長. 吳分隊長. 周股長. 林股長. cindy.  robin. 廣匯環保股份有限公司. 臺北市環境保護局南區資源回收場,若非您們的協助與支持,這座山將無法有面世的機會,非常感謝。

台北那條通的那座山 - 都市酵母“都市再生資源”



The cleanness in Taipei city’s public sphere relies on the dedication and efforts of 3637 workers in our cleaning squad. They are part of Taipei’s image, forming a special color in our daily life. Image a designer’s magic hands, the uniform of our cleaning squad will involve with an atmosphere of Taipei, offering an image of the “professional.” 
Waste is consumed and thrown away unintermittedly everyday. We produce two million and fifty thousand kilograms of waste on a daily basis and it piles up an enormously huge mountain that weighs nine hundred million kilograms in a year. But, 40 percent of the waste we produced can be recycled and reused; another 14 percent of the waste became ash after the incineration can be used as the materials for Taipei’s road pavement. The massive amount of our waste is recyclable so everyone should be responsible and to be green in order to lessen the burden of our planet. Starting from you to make Taipei clean and pretty, and to make Taiwan clean and pretty.

台北那條通, 都更處, 台北那條通的那座山, 都市酵母, city yeast, AGUA Design, 水越設計, the extra-mountain
訪問臺北市環保局吳局長 - 綠的臺北


  1. 垃圾處理的過程中,產生的能源運用 /臺北三個焚化廠,焚化廠焚燒過程中可以發電,掩埋場掩埋過後產生的沼氣亦可發電,一年可產生五六百萬度的電能。
  2. 臺北市環保局環保政策成效 / 2000年時,焚燒與掩埋的垃圾量達三千多噸,經資源回收落實後垃圾已減量至一千多噸。技術進步後,垃圾燃燒後的飛灰可經水洗後,至水泥場與水泥原料混合再利用。目前正在測試固化的飛灰,經磨粉處理後製成空心磚。
  3. 臺北相較於其他永續城市而言的優勢與差異 / 臺北去年獲得亞洲綠色城市評比第二名,相較於其他城市臺北為商業城市,較少工廠設立,因此在每人年均排放二氧化碳量與能源密度評比指標上獲得優勢。
  4. 2015年臺北路燈計畫 / 2015年臺北市十四萬盞路燈全面更換成LED燈具,一年可減少大額電費。用省下來的費用,更新更省能的設備

Summary of director’s interviewIn the process of handling trash and waste, the energy that can be used /Taipei’s three incineration plants is able to generate electricity in the process of burning, landfill plants that generate biogas can also generate electricity, which is around 5, 6 million kilowatts a year. Taipei department of environmental protection policies and results / In the year 2000, incineration and landfill trash has an amount of 3000 tons, and with recycle the numbers dropped to 1000 tons. As our techniques develop, cleaned ashes from burned trash can be mixed into concrete. As we are speaking, the test of solidifying ashes and milling them into hollow bricks is already under development. What does Taipei stand out or lack against sustainable cities / Last year Taipei won second place in the Asia green city rating. Compared to other cities Taipei is a more business city, less factories mean our average CO2 emission has a superiority compared to other countries. 2015 Taipei street lights plan / 2015 Taipei plans to have all 140 thousand street lights all replaced with LED lights, as a result, reduce huge amounts of electricity costs each year. With the money we can replace more equipment that conserves more energy, thus is the Green cycle, recycle and regenerate.





台北那條通, 都更處, 台北那條通的那座山, 都市酵母, city yeast, AGUA Design, 水越設計, the extra-mountain
台北那條通, 都更處, 台北那條通的那座山, 都市酵母, city yeast, AGUA Design, 水越設計, the extra-mountain

台北那條通, 都更處, 台北那條通的那座山, 都市酵母, city yeast, AGUA Design, 水越設計, the extra-mountain


● 全球每年浪費食物13億公噸,約佔每年生產量的三分之一。(2011年5月)
● 聯合國宣布索馬利亞南部兩個地區進入飢荒狀態超過300萬人缺乏糧食,超過全國人口半數每過4.78秒,世界上就有一名兒童因飢餓死亡。(2011年7月)


●   因為業者濫伐樹林來種植大豆,Nike的皮革產品將不再使用食用巴西亞馬遜森林大豆的牛。(2009年7月)
●   環保署於推動「台灣碳標籤」及相關產品申請措施。(2010年4月),取用當地食材,減少碳足跡。

台北那條通, 都更處, 台北那條通的那座山, 都市酵母, city yeast, AGUA Design, 水越設計, the extra-mountain

Waste of food and famine

● According to new research commissioned by the UN Food and Agriculture Organization, one-third of the food produced for human consumption in the world each year is, amonting to 1.3 billion metric tonnes is lost or wasted. (2011. 05)
● The United Nations announced that two areas in south Somalia are now in a state of famine. Over 3 million people are in lack of food, and in need of emergency support. Every 4.78 seconds a child passes away because of starvation. (2011. 07)

Food mileage and Carbon footprint

● Nike’s leather products refuse to use bulls that feed from a kind of soy bean within the Amazon forest, where people have been cutting down trees to plant those beans. (2009. 07)
● Taiwan’s Council of Agriculture announces the new era of safe agriculture, officially promoting the “Traceable Agriculture Product” known as the TAP mark. (2007. 06)
● The Environmental protection administration promotes “Taiwan Carbon Marks” and related product registration measures. (2010. 04)

Resourses of Pictures:Chris Blakeley (Flickr Creative Commons)

食物里程的計算法 http://www.fallsbrookcentre.ca/cgi-bin/calculate.pl

台北那條通, 都更處, 台北那條通的那座山, 都市酵母, city yeast, AGUA Design, 水越設計, the extra-mountain

●  再生球衣
環保署統計,台灣去年回收十八萬公噸廢棄塑膠,再製為假髮、毛毯等產品,連世足賽中荷蘭、德國等九支球隊環保運動球衣,都是「Made in Taiwan」的回收寶特瓶紡織品,回收再製技術傲視全球。

● 衣料回收

● 毛毯回收

●  再生毛毯



● Recycled Jerseys
According to the EPA, Taiwan, in the past year, has recycled 180 thousand tons of plastic waste and made into wigs, blankets, etc, even the jerseys of the Netherlands, Geremeny and 7 other teams in the world soccer cupwere made from plastic textiles from Taiwan. Our reuse technology is one of the best in the world. 

● Recycled Cloth
You might have heard of recycle used clothes, donations and garage sells, but you might have never heard of melting the
used clothes and fabric and making it into a brand new shirt. First to implement this kind of never ending reuse of materials is the famous company from America, Patagonia.

● Recycled Blankets

Tzu Chi has over 4500 recycle stations in Taiwan, and a stunning 62 thousand volunteers. Volunteers gather the plastic bottles, and within the process of sorting, getting rid of the cap, and squashing the bottles flat, the work is almost finished.Bags full of bottles are transported to the plastic processing factory to cut into little pieces and washed, then made into polyester particles, transported to weaving factories to snag, weave, and cut into a piece of soft and warm blanket.
Eco friendly blankets have been developed since 2006, at the end of the year it was already in the production stage. At 2008 August there were over 152 thousand pieces of blankets produced, all made from Tzu Chi’s North Taiwan recycle volunteers. Green blankets are softer and lighter than cotton clothes, eco friendly and great in quality. Currently these blankets are provided in the winter, and also in countries and people that is in need, including Pakistan, America, Philippines, Sri Lanka…etc.

Resourses of Pictures:Tania Ho Morna Crites Moore (Flickr Creative Commons)

台北那條通, 都更處, 台北那條通的那座山, 都市酵母, city yeast, AGUA Design, 水越設計, the extra-mountain

● 建築生命週期

● 綠建築


● 綠建材概念

● 低碳材料選擇要點

● Green buildings’ life cycle
台北那條通, 都更處, 台北那條通的那座山, 都市酵母, city yeast, AGUA Design, 水越設計, the extra-mountain

●   Green building

Taipei city library Beitou branch is Taiwan’s first green building library, it has a green roof, including solar panels to generate electricity, it can generate up to 16 thousand watts of electricity, also use of balconies to make deep shades and vertical wood frames can lower heat radiation into indoors, as a result, lowers the need for energy and conserves it. Green roof and the grass slope design is to guide the rain water into the collection tank, than uses the water to irrigate plants and flushing the toilet, to reach green and reduce the waste of water resources. The building uses wood and steel, these materials can be recycled and used again, reducing pollution to the environment. The indoor health and environment side is not left out either, besides the termite and water proof processes, also uses eco paint and avoid unnecessary renovation, reducing pollution and poisonous substances, thus avoiding affecting the human health.  

● Concept of Green building materials
Low emission materials

● Essential on selecting low carbon materials
Low energy consumption materials
Contains recycled composition materials
Recycle used materials
Domestic local materials
Design Construction Use
Demolish Reuse

Resourses of Pictures : Anguskirk Urban Sea Star (Flickr Creative Commons)


台北那條通, 都更處, 台北那條通的那座山, 都市酵母, city yeast, AGUA Design, 水越設計, the extra-mountain


在印度尼西亞的巴里島上,綠色學校(Green School in Bali)給予學生全面性的綠色教育,在學習之中同時認知能源永續的重要性。綠色學校的建材皆是竹子—來自當地,自然的、可再生的資源。而教室四面皆無牆壁,綠色學校相信這樣的環境能夠使學生更加專注於學習,並且提升對於人際關係的敏感度。


Take Green School in Bali as an example

Green School in Bali, Indonesia is giving students a holistic green education, and pioneering sustainability within education.

The structures in Green School are built primarily from bamboo-- a local, natural, renewable resource. Besides, all class rooms are built without walls, which Green School believes can make students pay more attention to the leaning process, and
increasetheir sensitivity toward relationships among people.

Students in Green School come from differentcorners of the world, bringing their own learning experiences with them to share with friends, which contributes to a global awareness and perspective of social issues in the mean time. Green School not only inspires students' thirst to know more, but also prepares for them to think critically and creatively, and equips them with appropriate knowledge and passion to influence in the way people are managing this planet.

Resourses of Pictures : http://writingonthewall-vaneck.blogspot.com/p/book-reviews.html


台北那條通, 都更處, 台北那條通的那座山, 都市酵母, city yeast, AGUA Design, 水越設計, the extra-mountain







Take Norway as an example

As one of the world’s biggest oil exports around the world, Norway also sets a big example in the carbon reduction plans. In 2020 they plan to reduce carbon emission to 30%, and the main strategy is to promote electric cars. Electric cars are small in size, clean, and have small rumbles.

The government of Norway also pushes lots of related policies. For example electric cars can use the bus road, avoiding traffic, there’s also free parking spaces downtown. Norway also build a lot of fast charging stations around the country, despite normal charging takes about 7 to 8 hours, the fast charging stations only takes 20 minutes to set the car ready for a 150 mile ride.

We estimate the result of the use of electriccars in Norway can reduce about 6000 tons of CO2 a year.

Norway is also known for its love for bicycles. People ride bicycles anywhere and to do almost everything. To push the numbers to its limits, they also built the Trampe bicycle lift to encourage people to get on their bikes. In their user survey, 41 % of the lift users say they are using the bicycle more often due to the installation of Trampe, the bicycle lift.

Transport in Taipei
The department of transportation plans to expand public transport system in order to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases by cars. Their target is to have 70% of the citizens take public transportation rather than driving cars.

Resourses of Pictures : http://girlsthatroam.wordpress.com/category/public-restrooms/

台北那條通, 都更處, 台北那條通的那座山, 都市酵母, city yeast, AGUA Design, 水越設計, the extra-mountain

台北那條通, 都更處, 台北那條通的那座山, 都市酵母, city yeast, AGUA Design, 水越設計, the extra-mountain

台北那條通, 都更處, 台北那條通的那座山, 都市酵母, city yeast, AGUA Design, 水越設計, the extra-mountain


台北那條通, 都更處, 台北那條通的那座山, 都市酵母, city yeast, AGUA Design, 水越設計, the extra-mountain

台北那條通, 都更處, 台北那條通的那座山, 都市酵母, city yeast, AGUA Design, 水越設計, the extra-mountain

台北那條通, 都更處, 台北那條通的那座山, 都市酵母, city yeast, AGUA Design, 水越設計, the extra-mountain

台北那條通, 都更處, 台北那條通的那座山, 都市酵母, city yeast, AGUA Design, 水越設計, the extra-mountain

台北那條通, 都更處, 台北那條通的那座山, 都市酵母, city yeast, AGUA Design, 水越設計, the extra-mountain

台北那條通, 都更處, 台北那條通的那座山, 都市酵母, city yeast, AGUA Design, 水越設計, the extra-mountain

台北那條通, 都更處, 台北那條通的那座山, 都市酵母, city yeast, AGUA Design, 水越設計, the extra-mountain



都市街道美學設計 - 台北市清潔隊形象提升&巷弄收納規劃設計工作營

歡迎寄給我們您的建議,信箱 cityyeast@gmail.com

水越設計, 都市酵母, 都市更新處, 台北那條通, 台北那條通的那座山, 垃圾山, city yeast, AGUA Design, 清潔隊員, 環保局, 隊長, 清道夫, street cleaner, 華山, the extra-ordinary mountain, 超乎尋常的居住美學 , 國藝村, photo by zona
臺北市清潔隊員標準裝備 - ”台北那條通的那座山“展覽現場週末提供試穿,歡迎試用體驗我們的工具。


  1. 主要工作- 街道清掃、溝渠清疏、垃圾收運、資源廢棄物回收、拆除廣告、大型集會和災難之後的清掃,以及種種與環保相關工作。
  2. 清潔隊對於環保的概念- 建立合乎自然環境的生活品質,期望在商業利益和環境間取得平衡,由「污染者付費」的角度去探討人、商、政府和環境之間的平衡關係。
  3. 對永續綠城市的想法- 取得一個公平正義下的資源分配,讓青山常在,綠水長流,保留住與其他生物的共存機會,從每個人做起,一代傳一代。
  4. 市民臨時工- 屬於社會救濟性質的工作,合乎低收入戶條件者可申請
  5. 環保志工- 由里長整合,幫忙做環保與清潔的服務。主要工作- 街道清掃、溝渠清疏、垃圾收運、資源廢棄物回收、拆除廣告、大型集會和災難之後的清掃,以及種種與環保相關工作。


  1. 工具- 掃把、畚箕、溝泥杓、清潔垃圾袋、夾子、手套、反光帽、透氣反光背心、口罩、膠盔、手推車、沖洗車、掃街車… 等等,選用清潔工具的標準,主要是清潔隊員要使用的方便、耐用、輕巧、美觀、方便收納、價格不貴等等,由清潔隊探討使用經驗再對廠商公開招標。
  2. 道清掃用具的收納- 以安全、不影響行人和市容的地方放置。清潔隊員們所遇到的難處是掃街用具因為清掃範圍太廣,常需要徵求其他單位的地方同意放置,或是直接放在街道的角落。



臺北市清潔隊員 數量統計(至2011.8.30止)

清潔隊員 3637/  駕駛 974 /  市民臨時工 2670

Our city street cleaners (Taipei city Chung Cheng area captain interview)

Main task - Street sweeping, cleaning of ditches, transport and cleaning of trash, recycle, removal of advertisement, cleaning of big assemblies and disasters, including all sorts of environmental protection work.

Tools - Brooms, dustpans, ditch scoops, garbage bags, clamps, gloves, reflective hats, reflective jackets, masks, plastic helmets, trolleys, wash cars, street sweepers…etc. The standard for the picking of tools is convenient, light, durable, good looking, easy to store, and cheap. After concerning street cleaner’s experience in the tools it’s time to public tender.

The street cleaner’s thought of environment protection - Establish a living quality corresponding to the nature, expecting the balance between business benefits and the environment, with the “you pollute, you pay” angle to probe the balance point between people, business, and the government.

Sustainable green city- Establish a fair and right resource distribution, let the green mountains sprout, the clear waters flow, maintain the chance to live with other creatures, with everyone involved--generation after generation.

訪問 台北市中正區清潔隊長 陳龍昆(受訪時間:2011.08)



Street Cleaners from Different Countries

水越設計, 都市酵母, 都市更新處, 台北那條通, 台北那條通的那座山, 垃圾山, city yeast, AGUA Design, 清潔隊員, 環保局, 隊長, 清道夫, street cleaner, 華山, the extra-ordinary mountain, 超乎尋常的居住美學 , 國藝村, 陳龍昆隊長, 中正區

丹麥 Denmak

水越設計, 都市酵母, 都市更新處, 台北那條通, 台北那條通的那座山, 垃圾山, city yeast, AGUA Design, 清潔隊員, 環保局, 隊長, 清道夫, street cleaner, 華山, the extra-ordinary mountain, 超乎尋常的居住美學 , 國藝村, 陳龍昆隊長, 中正區

水越設計, 都市酵母, 都市更新處, 台北那條通, 台北那條通的那座山, 垃圾山, city yeast, AGUA Design, 清潔隊員, 環保局, 隊長, 清道夫, street cleaner, 華山, the extra-ordinary mountain, 超乎尋常的居住美學 , 國藝村, 陳龍昆隊長, 中正區


德國 Germany

水越設計, 都市酵母, 都市更新處, 台北那條通, 台北那條通的那座山, 垃圾山, city yeast, AGUA Design, 清潔隊員, 環保局, 隊長, 清道夫, street cleaner, 華山, the extra-ordinary mountain, 超乎尋常的居住美學 , 國藝村, 陳龍昆隊長, 中正區


西班牙 Spain

水越設計, 都市酵母, 都市更新處, 台北那條通, 台北那條通的那座山, 垃圾山, city yeast, AGUA Design, 清潔隊員, 環保局, 隊長, 清道夫, street cleaner, 華山, the extra-ordinary mountain, 超乎尋常的居住美學 , 國藝村, 陳龍昆隊長, 中正區

水越設計, 都市酵母, 都市更新處, 台北那條通, 台北那條通的那座山, 垃圾山, city yeast, AGUA Design, 清潔隊員, 環保局, 隊長, 清道夫, street cleaner, 華山, the extra-ordinary mountain, 超乎尋常的居住美學 , 國藝村, 陳龍昆隊長, 中正區


法國 France

水越設計, 都市酵母, 都市更新處, 台北那條通, 台北那條通的那座山, 垃圾山, city yeast, AGUA Design, 清潔隊員, 環保局, 隊長, 清道夫, street cleaner, 華山, the extra-ordinary mountain, 超乎尋常的居住美學 , 國藝村, 陳龍昆隊長, 中正區


台灣 Taiwan

水越設計, 都市酵母, 都市更新處, 台北那條通, 台北那條通的那座山, 垃圾山, city yeast, AGUA Design, 清潔隊員, 環保局, 隊長, 清道夫, street cleaner, 華山, the extra-ordinary mountain, 超乎尋常的居住美學 , 國藝村, 陳龍昆隊長, 中正區

都市酵母, 水越設計, cityyeast, AGUA Design, 台北市清潔隊, taipei street cleaner, 都市更新處, 台北市環保局,  環保局吳局長
photo by wonderful
都市酵母, 水越設計, cityyeast, AGUA Design, 台北市清潔隊, taipei street cleaner, 都市更新處, 台北市環保局,  環保局吳局長

都市酵母, 水越設計, cityyeast, AGUA Design, 台北市清潔隊, taipei street cleaner, 都市更新處, 台北市環保局,  環保局吳局長
photo by wonderful
都市酵母, 水越設計, cityyeast, AGUA Design, 台北市清潔隊, taipei street cleaner, 都市更新處, 台北市環保局,  環保局吳局長

日本 Japan

水越設計, 都市酵母, 都市更新處, 台北那條通, 台北那條通的那座山, 垃圾山, city yeast, AGUA Design, 清潔隊員, 環保局, 隊長, 清道夫, street cleaner, 華山, the extra-ordinary mountain, 超乎尋常的居住美學 , 國藝村, 陳龍昆隊長, 中正區



配合建國一百年及2011 IDA世界設計年會,都市更新處辦理臺北居住美學計畫,將於100年8月12日下午4點於URS27 華山大草原辦理「臺北那條通」啟動活動,由策展人現場說明策展內容,並由郝市長帶領市民於草地上植樹,當日晚上並有草地電影院的活動,播出以臺北生活為背 景的創作電影,歡迎市民參加,啟動活動結束後藝術家將陸續進場佈展,將於100年9月3日全面開放市民參觀。「臺北那條通」系列策展辦理地點在URS27 華山大草原,位置是臺北市市民大道二段南側、中山北路、華山藝文公園及北平東路以北所圍的空間(行六基地),為未來中央合署辦公大樓興建基地。這塊基地從 民國78年鐵路地下化完成後,貨運機能逐漸喪失,85年7月21日華山車站關閉,近25年的閒置後建物閒置窳陋,本市98年度辦理「臺北好好看計畫」協調 行政院於中央合署辦公大樓開發前,積極進行窳陋建築拆除及環境綠美化,結合文建會、國際藝術村、華山藝文中心、華山公園等綠色,成為臺灣重要創意、文化與國際接軌的空間。
在思考城市發展前進的同時,我們嘗試標舉出居住在這個城市的人、空間之間的各種可能,探尋土地、人、城市空間的經緯脈絡,   展現臺北城市旺盛豐沛的生命力量。
臺北市政府都市發展局、臺北市都市更新處配合建國百年及2011 IDA世界設計年會,規劃「臺北居住美學推展計畫」,選擇位於市民大道、林森北路口的華山大草原,以多元方式檢視在臺北居住生活的既有資產的優勢與缺失,展望在臺北居住生活的未來觀。

計畫特邀請甫獲傑出建築師獎的邱文傑建築師、臺北國際藝術村蘇瑤華總監、環境藝術家潘一如、彩虹餘文化事業許藏介等人籌組策展團隊。從建築、藝術策展、地 景 藝術等角度策劃「臺北那條通─超乎尋常的居住境地」展覽,以巷弄美學、空間設計、生態循環不同概念構組的文創空間單元,創造出更多樣化的城市生活價值。計 畫邀請藝術家與設計、文創團隊包含林艷立、張東勝、楊鈞凱、蔡志賢、劉榮祿、劉耀中、傅靜涵、元素集合、都市酵母等,即日起在大草原上以陸續開展的方式展 開一連串的創意活動與多元展覽,翻滾擾動這片大草原!

主場館設計者 邱文傑建築師|那條通設計說明
邱文傑建築師事務所 負責人.大涵學乙設計工程有限公司 設計總監..美國紐約註冊建築師.中華民國百年傑出建築師

台北那條通, 都更處, 台北那條通的那座山, 都市酵母, city yeast, AGUA Design, 水越設計, the extra-mountain

台北那條通, 都更處, 台北那條通的那座山, 都市酵母, city yeast, AGUA Design, 水越設計, the extra-mountain

台北那條通, 都更處, 台北那條通的那座山, 都市酵母, city yeast, AGUA Design, 水越設計, the extra-mountain

台北那條通, 都更處, 台北那條通的那座山, 都市酵母, city yeast, AGUA Design, 水越設計, the extra-mountain

生活中不斷地被消耗、拋出的垃圾,影響地球生態問題。在這座垃圾山,其中40%可透過資源回收再生,展開新的生命;而14%從焚燒後產生的廢 灰轉化運用於臺北的道路舖面。從每個人的食衣住行開始,經由綠行動減少地球負擔;我們都可以做到的3R:減少浪費 / 重複使用 / 回收再生。
循環城市,我們同時是垃圾的製造者及回收者。 未來城市的樣貌,以及由市民的想像,讓台北乾淨而美好,進而擴散整個台灣重視並解決資源環境問題。呈現城市的樣貌,民眾體驗清潔隊員的工作服裝與工具,一起構思臺北市清潔隊員的服裝與工具以及城市收納規劃,歡迎投稿至cityyeast@gmail.com。並收集各國的清潔道具與服裝。一個永續臺北城的產生,由那條通思考城市資源不斷重生運用。

Taipei produces this trash mountain every 100 seconds, we are throwing trash away every second of our daily lives. Earth’s eco problems are the biggest test to the people living in the 21th century.
Beginning with your eating, clothing, living, transporting, we can lighten Earth’s burden with the green act; with the 3r we all are capable of achieving:reduce / reuse /  recycle


sustainable funture

2022 臺灣文博會-寶島冰菓室

台東食育提案所 Fooding Taitung × 知本老爺酒店 Hotel Royal Chihp


金門島島島 - 世界最美的教科書展

美感電域_變電箱科普特展 新竹站

美感電域_變電箱科普特展 台北站

台東咚咚咚 TaitungDongDongDong


誠品 未來書店展

2018世界最美的教科書展 - 臺東展



2017 超級偏愛【手記控】

Taipei Issuuuue 活的展



水越設計 白色插畫展



水越設計 捨不得包裝展




食物 x 設計工作營網路展




都市酵母 - 臺北那條通的那座山







都市酵母 - 就是這個光!!!




CITY YEAST Copyright
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