Sali Sasaki / Design researcher / Consultant

Sari Sasaki,  Sali Sasaki, 佐々木 沙梨

法國 創意顧問  Sali Sasaki(佐々木 沙梨)

出生於日本,成長於巴黎,專門擔任社會設計和振興當地文化遺產相關的創意顧問,致力於融合設計和社會參與兩個領域。近期的創作專注於探索東南亞設計和工藝。過去於帕森設計學院進修藝術後,在英國皇家藝術學院取得碩士,過去為UNESCO在曼谷的辦公室、世界設計之都、歐亞基金會(ASEF)的 Culture 360等平台擔任寫手,除此之外也帶領許多講座與工作坊,她追求透過文化探索與新發現產生新的學習機會。


Location:France, Paris

Occupation:Design researcher / Consultant

Born in Yokohama, Japan, and raised in Paris, France, Sali Sasaki is a creative consultant specialised in social design and the revitalization of local cultural identities in Asia. She is the former manager of UNESCO’s Creative Cities Network and has worked with a number of international organisations including cultural agencies, international design bodies, public events, universities and NPO’s.

Her freelance portfolio extends over 10 years of hands-on experience, concentrating primarily on the southeast Asia region notably through the implementation of project activities in the context of cultural development, cities, as well as the promotion of local traditional skills and craftsmanship. In addition to her consultancy work, she has also delivered a number of lectures and workshops in Asia, including Thailand, Laos, Malaysia, Indonesia, Myanmar, Singapore, Korea and Japan. In the past two years, she has organised international conferences and exhibitions to support the exploration and promotion of southeast Asian cultures and design.
By merging design, cultural development and social engagement, Sali seeks to inspire new learning models based on local assets and creativity.
Sali holds an MA in Visual Communication Design from the Royal College of Art (London) and a BFA in Fine Arts from Parsons School of Design (New York/Paris).


參與計畫:宜蘭國際設計教育 來自巴黎的一堂課-城市環境觀察
宜蘭教育, action for education, yilan, taiwan, 宜蘭, 宜蘭國際設計教育, 國際交流, 工作坊, 都市酵母, 國際設計交流, 文化交流, 跨文化, 教育, 水越設計, AGUA Design, 設計師 ,Designer, Education, design thinking, Paris, 巴黎, France ,法國, Japanese designer,日裔法籍, Sali Sasaki,佐々木沙梨, 宜蘭光復國小, 宜蘭國小, Magazine, daily life



Sara Ricciardi / Designer

Sali Sasaki / Design researcher / Consultant

Vincent Wittenberg / Designer

許尊凱 攝影師

Basurama/ Artist Collective

鍾燕齊 Chung Yin Chai Joel / Curator

Gaston Caba / Illustrator & Designer

Fons Sweegers

Thea Brogger / Product Designer

Ilteris Ilbasan / Product Designer

Seiko Matsumura / Designer

蔡宛璇&Yannick Dauby藝術家

葉育君 行為藝術/錄像/數位藝術家

邱羿瑄 文字工作者/la vie副總編輯

林秋芳 村落美學策展人/藝文工作者

葉覓覓 詩人/影像創作者


朱平 企業家

都市酵母研究班 city yeast lab

謝維真 設計企劃

唐玄輝 台科大工商業設計系所教授

廖軍豪 工業設計師

陳冠蓉 研究專員

林舒 藝文工作者

蕭有志 實踐建築系教授

王志仁 工業設計師

龔書章 建築師

蕭永明 工業設計師、文字與攝影工作者

zona 設計師

嚴翎文 設計師

gooze 設計師

綠色植人 溫室小學

陳映蓉 導演

南美瑜 溫度記者

汪德範 攝影師

徐秋宜 服裝設計師

國賓飯店 酵母雲麵包

agua 設計師

謝妮蓉 設計師

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