Magical Mr. Light is really fantastic. He shows us the different faces of street views surrounded by changing light at night. The flow of your city at night brings up new features after sunset.
step 1. 帶著相機上街
Bring the camera out and hit the road!
step 2. 拍攝整條街的全景
Shoot the full view of the street at night.
step 3. 彎進小路或巷弄,繼續記錄
Don’t miss the allies and the corners! Keep recording.
step 4. 使用Photoshop,將每張照片馬賽克化
Use Photoshop to mosaic the photos.
step 5. 將照片亮部的馬賽克色塊取出,在地圖上拼成一張台北夜晚色彩的地圖
Combine the colors and the map to complete “the Map of City Night Color”.
step 6. 上傳到FB「臺北都市色彩」,建立相簿,
Upload the photos to Taipei City Color Facebook and name the album as “Color of Light_ Location / Your Name / the number of photos you take”.