Imagine your city has a smooth skin feel: What will be the feeling of touching it? What is its color? Let’s collect the color chart of city materials.
step 1. 準備相機和紙筆,記錄拍攝時間/地點/...其它描述
Prepare the camera and the note recording the time/ the location/ other descriptions before you take pictures.
step 2. 選定一種材質為主題,觀察並拍攝照片,如瓷磚
Choose one material as your topic, observe and shoot it; such as, tile.
step 3. 依照材質分類,上傳到FB「臺北都市色彩」,與270萬人一起建立屬於臺北的都市色票本相簿,
Categorize your photos by different materials, upload the photos to Taipei City Color Facebook and name the album as “Color Chart of City Materials_ Material / Your Name / the number of photos you take”.
都市色彩fb link http://www.facebook.com/taipeicolorwalk