From your head to your toes, know more about your city from 360 degrees: besides your familiar street views, there also exists the world under your feet and above your head.
step 1. 拿起相機,選一個定點
Take your camera and choose a spot.
Don’t hesitate, yeah, that’s right, stand still!
step 2. 將身體角度分為12等分拍照(30度 ... 210度 240度 270度 300度 330度 360度)
Divide your body into 12 parts and take pictures clock wise from 30 degrees to 360 degrees. (30°…210° 240° 270° 300° 330° 360°)
step 3. 將照片依角度順序排列成一條,列印出來並貼出
Print out your photos and paste them clock wise on a piece of paper.
step 4. 在圈圈中間寫下地址,完成360度都市色環
Write down the location in the middle of the color wheel and you finish your Color Wheel 360°!
step 5. 上傳到FB「臺北都市色彩」,建立相簿,命名為「都市色環360度_忠孝東路xxx_巨巨1」
Upload the photos to Taipei City Color Facebook and name the album as “Color Wheel 360°_ Location / Your Name / the number of photos you take”.
facebook link