Fons Sweegers


Fons Sweegers

Consultant High Impact & Brand Innovation at Philips Industry Consulting
Demographic info
Eindhoven Area, Netherlands | Management Consulting


Fons Sweegers' Skills & Expertise

Innovation Management
Management Consulting
Business Planning
Product Development
Idea Generation
Guest Lecturing

參與 水越設計 臺北清潔隊員裝備提升設計計劃 顧問 
Taipei Street Cleaner's Equipment Renovation Project Consultant

Herewith my feedback on the cart.

++ Interesting details
++ Easy foldable and use
++ Simple and easy to produce.


My take away is to focus on benefits for all stakeholders in order to create more enthusiasm and buy-in, including the street cleaners.

When you build a compelling story around the upside / wins for every one it will persuade your customer to put effort in generating more budget.

What are the benefits? For whom?

1 Productivity
Cleaners: Can do more in less time
Gov: Cheaper to clean the city
Citizens: Enjoy their city more
Easy to use/ better human factors
- Cleaners: Less hard work, better physical condition
- Gov: Less sick people due to hard work, lower health insurances
- Citizens: ?
Fun and image
- Cleaners: Proud to be a city cleaner, recognition for being one
- Gov: Proud being a representative of Taipei, proud on this achievement, recognition among peers and other municipalities
- Citizens: Taipei will be more fun and colourful to live in
Lower risks
- Cleaners: Less injuries and accidents, or health risks
- Gov: Less insurance costs
- Citizens: ?
Ecologically friendly
- Cleaners: They are living up the sustainable dream, by doing their jobs bare handed. 
- Gov: Feeding green and sustainable thinking, they can create a convincing showcase about sustainability, which could generate media interest world wide (only when doing it profoundly and thoroughly thought through)



鍾燕齊 Chung Yin Chai Joel / Designer

Gaston Caba / Illustrator & Designer

Fons Sweegers

Thea Brogger / Product Designer

Ilteris Ilbasan / Product Designer

Seiko Matsumura / Designer

蔡宛璇&Yannick Dauby藝術家

葉育君 行為藝術/錄像/數位藝術家

邱羿瑄 文字工作者/la vie副總編輯

林秋芳 村落美學策展人/藝文工作者

葉覓覓 詩人/影像創作者


朱平 企業家

都市酵母研究班 city yeast lab

謝維真 設計企劃

唐玄輝 台科大工商業設計系所教授

廖軍豪 工業設計師

陳冠蓉 研究專員

林舒 藝文工作者

蕭有志 實踐建築系教授

王志仁 工業設計師

龔書章 建築師

蕭永明 工業設計師、文字與攝影工作者

zona 設計師

嚴翎文 設計師

gooze 設計師

綠色植人 溫室小學

陳映蓉 導演

南美瑜 溫度記者

汪德範 攝影師

徐秋宜 服裝設計師

國賓飯店 酵母雲麵包

agua 設計師

謝妮蓉 設計師

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