2012無所不在。每個節慶都有應景主題插畫。水越 2012 刺青年曆,將一年的節日、紀念與歡樂全都刺在手、腳、臉、背...以及別人的身上;刺青貼紙不只可以貼在身體,也可以貼在卡片、本子、自己想貼的地方,沒有介質上的限制,只要有水和貼得牢就可以。
使用方法 選擇圖案剪下,撕去透明紙,將圖案面朝下,擺放在皮膚上,用水在背面沾溼,等待10秒,可滑動的情形下,小心撕去紙張。視肌膚上貼黏位置,停留一週左右,去除容易,戳洗即可。
note. 刺青貼紙為反貼,照片為方便閱讀,部份圖像反轉過。
AGUA Design 2012 tattooo calendar 366 days of catwalk for skins,
35 kinds of tattoos, a practice for personal declaration. The beauty of
body tattoo has been explored in the past 2400 years. It’s the time to
celebrate and enjoy the global anniversary. Let’s“tattooo”together.
Usage Cut out the tattoos. Remove top sheet. Put tattoos face
down on skin. Wet tattoos generously with water and press down with
hand. wait 10 seconds, slide off paper backing. Wipe tattoos with water.
Removal: wipe with alcohol or any leading brand cold cream. |